
Garden pests are a common issue this time of year. Regardless of how much effort and care that you place into your garden, bugs are bound to invade the area.

While it is true that not all of the damage presented by pests will warrant taking action, it is important to know and understand what types of pests may invade your garden area.

In doing so, you will learn which pests are considered to be “bad” to that which you are cultivating and when to take action. Time must be taken on a regular basis to inspect your garden. You will be able to detect problems quickly and easily.

In this two-part series, we will include information on the most common garden pests that you may encounter.

Throughout the world, there are about 4,000 species of aphids. These are insects that commonly suck on sap-producing plants.

In most instances, they will be observed in large groups on plants that are relatively new in growth.

If allowed to continue feeding on the plants in your garden, you will discover curled and/or wilted leaves and discoloration.

Your plant will be experiencing stunted levels of growth. The decline of plant vigor may also be noticed.


Armyworms are extremely destructive garden pests. These creatures typically travel in large groups and are known to consume all that they come in contact with, as far as plant-life is concerned.

During the daytime hours, these pests will hide within plants and any debris found in the garden. At night, the armyworms are highly active. During the spring months, these pests will feed on the grass and other ground-based plants. As summer arrives, they make their way up plants to feed on the leaves and any fruit produced by the plant. Their favorite food is corn; however, it is not uncommon to find these pests on lettuce, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, and similar plants.

garden-pests-Blister BeetlesBlister Beetles
Blister beetles are common garden pests. These insects damage both garden plants and commercial plants. They consume leaf crops, blossoms on plants, landscaping flowers, as well as hay-based crops. There are at least 250 different species of blister beetles.

If crushed, these insects possess a high level of toxicity. This is because these pests secrete a blistering agent called catharidin. Not only does the secretion cause blisters, but, if swallowed, it could result in gastrointestinal and urinary complications.

garden-pests-Cabbage WormsCabbage Worms
Cabbage worms cause an immense amount of damage to cabbage crops and other crops that come from the cabbage family.

In the early spring months, this pest transforms from a green pupae to a green caterpillar.

These insects will eat leaves until the summer months. It will then transform into a butterfly.

The earwig is a garden pest that is mostly active at night.

It feeds on plant shoots, corn silks, foliage, and flowers.

In some instances, it may feed on ripe fruits.

In some instances, these are viewed as favorable garden pests; however, it depends on the amount that is present in the garden.