There are hundreds of species of spiders on the planet. Most of them thrive in rainforests, savannahs, and other places where humidity and warmth are prevalent. Wherever they live, most of us are scared of them.
Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is one of the most common phobias in the world, and with reason. An adventurer can be mortally wounded by a spider if he tangles with the wrong species.
If you see any of these spiders, go the other way.
Brazilian Wandering Spider

Named the number one most dangerous spider in the world by the Guinness World Records, Brazilian Wandering Spider is a very aggressive, highly venomous spider, with a very potent neurotoxin that is known to cause breathing difficulties which will lead to asphyxiation and death.
Six-Eyed Sand Spider

Although not native to American soil, six-eyed sand spiders are extremely dangerous but not aggressive when in contact with humans. Six-eyed sand spiders are related to Brown recluse spiders but their venom can be six times more potent. According to a study, there is no antidote to its venom which causes disseminated intravascular coagulation or DIC, which results in aggressive blood clotting throughout the skin as well as bleeding and death.
Brown Recluse Spider
The brown recluse, a.k.a the violin spider, is the same spider that’s being portrayed in Spider-Man movies and is commonly found in western and southern U.S. Brown recluse spiders are small but their bodies can stretch up to a half-quarter of an inch. They have six eyes and are extremely deadly.
Black Widow

Remember the Black Spiderman? Yes, that was a black widow spider man! Black widows are usually portrayed on the big screen as villains, probably because of their color and fierce nature. Black widows are easily distinguished by their black color and the bright red hourglass shape on their bellies.
Black widows and brown recluse spiders have the highest incidents of attacks on humans. In fact, most people believe black widows are the most deadly of all the spiders in the United States.
Top 10 Venemous Spiders
If you see any of the most poisonous spiders above in your house and you are not sure about how to get rid of spiders, you can always count on Richmond Indiana Exterminator. Call us and we’ll take care of all your pest infestation problems.