All Pest Exterminating offers turf management and snow removal to residential and commercial customers.
Andy obtained his license in April 2007 and has over 60 customers in such a short period of time. This number will increase due to good customer service, customer satisfaction and pricing.Our customer base did increase by more than double in 2008. As of the end of 2009, our customer base is over 200 now.
We use granules for fertilization and liquids for broadleaf weed control. An organic fertilizer program is available as well. We offer 3 types of plans, but will do whatever the customer wants. We spray flower beds for weeds, without killing the flowers or shrubs. This is an additional fee. We spray a total bareground vegetation kill on driveways, fence rows, etc. This is an additional fee.
We offer snow removal and complete property maintenance. We do mowing, landscaping, mulching, aeration, seeding/overseeding, etc. We also have a nursery license which allows us to purchase trees, shrubs, flowers, and other nursery stocked items for your home/business.
Please call with any questions/concerns to: 765-965-2171 or email to: