To date, over 30,000 different species of wasp have been identified, worldwide. They are a diversified and plentiful insect. Wasp nest removal is important, especially if you aim to keep them in check on your property.

Nearly every person on the planet is all too familiar with wasps. While most are familiar with the brightly colored angry pests that lash out with extremely painful stings, most wasps are solitary insects that do not sting. But if you discover a wasp nest near your home, it is best to focus on its removal.
Why Should I Get Rid of a Wasp Nest?
Before delving into the process of how to get rid of a wasp nest, we feel it is first important to explain why these types of nests should be eliminated.
First of all, wasps have the unique ability to sting over and over again – unlike bees, of which only sting once. If you, a loved one, or one of your pets get close enough to a wasp nest to disturb it, a massive swarm may occur.
This will happen very fast.
Whoever or whatever disturbed the nest will find themselves covered and continuously being stung by the wasps as the insects emit a specific pheromone that results in other wasps going into defense mode.

In most instances, a wasp sting is not deadly. The only exception to this is if the individual stung has an allergic reaction to the sting. Even then, most are able to recuperate and will not die. On the other hand, there have been the occasion where just one sting proved to be fatal.
If you are swarmed, you could receive 30 or more stings, which is very dangerous to your health.
If a child or pet gets swarmed, far fewer stings could prove to be devastating. This is why it is imperative that you remove any wasp nests in or around your home.
How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest
If you have a wasp nest on or near your home, the safest and most effective method for removal is to contact a wasp exterminator. While it is possible to eliminate the nest yourself, the process involves numerous risks to your safety and health; however, if you are insistent upon completing the act on your own, the following outlines the measures that you should take to ensure success with the endeavor:
- First, you have to make certain that you do not have an allergy to bees/wasps/stings. You may do this by having your doctor perform an allergy test. If you discover that you do – in fact – have an allergy to bees/wasps/stings, contact a wasp exterminator immediately and do not proceed with removing the wasp nest yourself.
- If you have a vector control office in your area, you should contact them. They will be able to help you identify what kind of wasp nest you have and offer advice on what steps to take for successful removal.
- If vector control informs you that the wasp is a non-threatening type and the nest is in a location that does not call for concern, simply leave the nest in place.
- If the wasp nest houses wasps that are threatening, it is time to get ready for removal. You should focus on ensuring that you dress in a protective manner. This includes long pants, socks, high boots, a hood of some type, protective eye wear, a scarf, and any other type of clothing that will protect your body. Make certain nearly every part of your body is covered. This will help protect against the severity of the stings, should they occur.
- If the nest is too high, do not use a ladder to remove it. Instead, contact a wasp exterminator as they have special ways to handle high nests – such as special equipment and/or smoke out tools.
- You may use pesticide on the nest; however, no one and no pets should be allowed in the area for at least a 24-hour period. If you have pets, you should make certain to pick up any dead wasps that fall to the ground. Ingestion could result in poisoning.
- At night, wasps are less aggressive and their reaction times are much slower. This is the best time to focus on killing wasps and removing their nest. Avoid using bright lights. Instead, opt for lights that are red or display a dull amber color. If you are uncomfortable with this process, you may wait until the early morning hours to have a higher level of visibility.
- Once you initiate the process of killing the wasps and removing their nest, you can expect a swarm to occur. Make sure you have a plan to escape.
- Spray pesticide in the opening of the wasp nest. Then, leave the area.
- Once you are sure that the wasps are dead, you may use a stick to knock the nest to the ground. If you see any activity, stop. If no activity is present, tear the nest apart and completely soak it with the wasp-killing pesticide.
Wasp Nest Facts
Wasps are species that use either chewed up wood, paper, or mud to build their nests – which are multi-chambered. In terms of building location, all wasp species are considered to be exceptionally versatile. While considered to be ecologically significant, the potential for many species to swarm make them a danger to humans and animals that they consider to be a threat. Different species construct different types of wasp nests. Continue reading to learn some helpful tips on wasp nest identification.

Types of Wasp Nests
There are several types of wasp nests. If you have an interest in removing a wasp nest, it is critical that you take the time to research the nest and engage in wasp nest identification.
The most common nests are those that are used by hornets, paper wasps, yellow jackets, and mud daubers. Nests are created with wood that has been chewed up and saliva. Consider the following facts for wasp nest identification to help you in figuring out which species you are dealing with:
- Yellow jackets are known to create very large colonial-type nests that have cell levels built underground, pipes, and other types of structures that have a hollowed-out section. The nest will be protected with an outer layer and have just one entrance.
- If the nest is shaped like a pear, up to two feet in length, and is hanging in a tree or another area, it is likely the nest of the bald-faced hornet.
- The European hornet makes a nest that is very high – sometimes as large as six feet – in the cavities of hollow trees and other spaces.
- If the nest has air cells that are open and kind of resemble an umbrella that is open, it is likely a paper wasp nest. These nests are typically four inches in width or smaller.
- If the nest looks like mud was used to create it and is in the ground or on the side of a solid structure, it is likely a mud dauber nest. These are often tubular and up to three inches in width or smaller.
Wasp Exterminator
If you discover a wasp nest on or near your home, it is advised that you avoid trying to remove the threat yourself. Instead, you should hire a wasp exterminator. These professionals know the steps to locating nests, identifying the type of wasps that are located in the nest, and removing the nest.
A wasp exterminator is professionally trained to ensure that wasp nest is handled and removed in a manner that is safe and highly efficient. Consider the following:
- A wasp exterminator has access to the proper safety equipment – such as protective wear and respiratory protection devices. Not only can they remove the nest safely, they have the ability to do so while avoiding being stung by the wasps contained within the nest.
- A wasp pest control specialist has comprehensive knowledge on wasps. This includes knowing their instincts, what their behavior is like, and similar information.
- These exterminators have access to a multitude of wasp control products that are not currently available on the market.
- Wasp exterminators have the unique ability to work in high places, small places, and other areas where wasp nests may be located that are difficult to reach and/or access.
We Can Help
We here at All Pest Exterminating have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to quickly and safely eliminate wasps and their nests. Why take the chance of facing the danger of a swarm or potential reaction by trying to eliminate the insects yourself?
All it takes is a quick call and a few short minutes and you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you, your loved ones, and your pets are safe from the dangers associated with wasps.