In this first section of our Outdoor Insects Month guide, you will be introduced to several carpenter bee facts. It is a known fact that, at one point or another, we all become pestered by various types of pests. It does not matter if it is an ant running throughout the kitchen, or a moth flying around the light near the outside region of the front door, wide arrays of insects have the unique capability of being annoying and troublesome. Yes, insects are part of the natural environment. In fact, most have a unique and beneficial purpose to the environment. Unfortunately, many also have the ability to become a nuisance, a danger to structures, and even a danger to the humans that live in or near their natural habitat. One such insect is the carpenter bee. In Part 1 of 4 of our Outdoor Insects Month guide, you will learn many important carpenter bee facts and the secret to get rid of carpenter bees.
Carpenter Bees – At a Glance
Carpenter bees are relatively large insects that are actually considered to have a high level of economic-based importance. These insects are most active from the early months of spring, throughout the summer. These insects assist in pollinating various types of crops, as well as residential gardens. Unfortunately, they are known to linger in and around houses and other types of structures when in search of a mate and nesting sites. In fact, in reviewing carpenter bee facts, you will quickly discover that these insects are nearly 100% dependable on structures made by man for the wood that are part of those structures in order to build their nests. When carpenterbees hover around structures, they often make holes in the wood of those buildings. Once the hole is created, they will then nest there. Unfortunately, they attract woodpeckers. The woodpeckers will feed on the larvae within the nests of the holes and the result is a massive amount of damage. This is why so many individuals want to get rid of carpenter bees once they find the insects around their homes.
Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?
As humans, most of us are naturally inclined to believe that all bees are harmful; however, when you review carpenter bee facts, you will find that these insects, unlike the honeybee and the bumblebee, are not considered to be “stinging” bees. The male carpenter bee typically hovers around the nesting site and shows signs of aggression, but, does not possess a stinger. The female carpenter bee, on the other hand does possess a stinger; however, she will not typically sting a human. That is, unless she feels threatened through being handled. While not dangerous to humans, the carpenter bees pose a significant danger to wood-based structures. For this reason, many wonder if there are pesticides available that will help get rid of carpenter bees.
Carpenter Bees Control
If you find that carpenter bees have invaded your home, it is imperative that you make an attempt to eliminate them before any aesthetic and/or structural damage is incurred. In order to get rid of carpenter bees, it is best to dust their nest with a chemical-based insecticide. Additionally, you may want to utilize a liquid-based pesticide directly in the holes in which these bees nest. There is no guarantee that you will eliminate all of the bees and their larvae, though. If you want to achieve the highest level of success when you attempt to get rid of carpenter bees, you should enlist the assistance of a professional pest control service. Not only will the company know and understand all of the carpenter bee facts pertaining to their behaviors, but, they have solutions that are designed for quick and effective carpenter bees control. For more information, contact All Pest Exterminating Inc. at:765-259-0043