In short, mosquitoes start coming out in the spring, turn into vicious and seemingly non-stop attackers in the summer, and then start to taper off once fall hits. By far, the worst month of the year for mosquitoes is August; especially THIS year! In fact, August is actually considered to be the peak of mosquito season. This is because the extremely hot temperatures push them to pass through the life cycle that they experience much faster. The insects are able to lay eggs, the eggs hatch quickly, and new populations come out faster and in much larger amounts.

Ultimately, mosquitoes carry the highest level of annoyance to both humans and animals. In addition to being annoying, they are vectors of various types of illnesses and diseases that may be transmitted to people, their pets, and a wide array of animals. It is a common cause for pest control.
A total of 5 mosquito species have been identified in Indiana. Out of these, 3 have been established as the most threatening – in terms of transmitting illnesses and diseases. In this guide, you will learn how to properly protect yourself this year from mosquitoes.
What are the 3 Most Threatening Mosquitoes in Indiana?
The following outline the 3 most threatening of mosquito species within the State of Indiana:
- Anopheles – These are the most likely to result in an outbreak of malaria. They are also known for causing the onset of heartworms in dogs. A total of 20 species of this type are within the United States and 6 of those are located in Indiana.
- Culex – These are known for causing the outbreak of the West Nile Virus. Additionally, they transmit the St. Louis Encephalitis Virus and the Western Equine Encephalitis Virus. A total of 28 species are in the United States and 7 of these are located in Indiana.
- Culiseta – These mosquitoes transmit various illnesses to people, their pets, horses, and birds. One of the most commonly transmitted is the Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus. A total of 8 species are within the United States and 4 are found throughout Indiana.
Why are Mosquitoes So Bad This Year in Indiana?
This year, Indiana has had a large amount of rain. Additionally, higher than average temperatures are being experienced. Mosquitoes are capable of laying their eggs in all of the standing water and those eggs are hatching more quickly because of the heat.
The conditions are perfect for the larva to feed and grow into adults in as little as 4 days.
In less favorable conditions, this process could take up to a month. Larger populations are occurring more quickly because of the perfect conditions. As a result, mosquitoes are advancing on people and animals more quickly than normal.
Is August When Mosquitoes Are Most Active?
Generally speaking, August is considered to be the peak of mosquito season because that is when they are most active. The extreme moisture and heat this year have resulted in the insects experiencing heightened levels of activity more quickly. Additionally, the conditions have resulted in larva turning into adult mosquitoes more quickly.
Indiana is seeing larger amounts of mosquitoes more quickly this year. Additionally, the Asian tiger mosquito has experienced an increase in their population this year; therefore, resulting in even more mosquitoes in Indiana.
At What Temperature with Mosquitoes Start to Die?
Mosquitoes are known to thrive in temperatures of 80°F and above. They also prefer climates that have a high level of humidity. The insects start to slow in activity when it becomes too dry combined with excessive temperatures. Once outdoor temperatures hit 50°F or lower, there is an instant drop in activity and most mosquitoes will actually start to die.
Is There a Mosquito Virus in Indiana?
The mosquito virus known as the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Virus is one that is both immensely dangerous and naturally present in Indiana. In late June of 2022, the first case of the West Nile Virus was officially reported in Lake County, Indiana. Shortly after, a case of the same virus was detected in the area of Hancock County, Indiana.
A state public health veterinarian advised individuals through a news release that those in Indiana should be cautious as there is a risk for mosquito viruses all the way through to the first hard freeze of 2022.
How Can I Prevent Mosquitoes Around My Home?
There are several steps that may be taken for a mosquito proof yard. The main step is to make sure there is no standing water because it is the basis of breeding for the insects. With that being said, take the following steps:
- Eliminate any type of container that has the ability to hold stagnant water. Examples include old tires, pots, and other types of containers. If you garden and have pots, turn them upside down so that water will drain from them.
- If you have a recycling container that is kept outside, drill holes at the bottom so that water will drain from it.
- Always ensure your grass is cut, not allowed to grow high, and that the shrubs around your home are properly trimmed at regular intervals.
- Fountains, birdbaths, and other items that are similar in nature should be flushed regularly.
- If your septic tank starts to fail, call a plumber to have the issue resolved immediately.
- Clean the gutter system of your home. Do not allow leaves and other types of debris to clog up the system.
- If you have an ornamental pool, you should aerate regularly. If you do not, you may put predatory fish within the pool.
- Outdoor pet water should be changed frequently.
- Screens on the doors and the windows of your home should be functioning properly. If they are not, repair or replace them immediately.
- When outdoors, you may use repellants that contain DEET, citronella candles, and integrate cedarwood essential oils, lemon, and eucalyptus oil.
Is There Pest Control Available for Mosquitoes?
Yes, there are professional pest control services available that target mosquitoes. These treatments combine advanced technology and highly effective techniques that will allow you to win the war on mosquitoes. We here at All Pest tailor the treatment according to the unique characteristics and elements of your home and your property. Mosquito control comes down to a spray that is placed on and around your property.
First, we will inspect your home and property to determine why mosquitoes are drawn to the area. Then, we will outline measures that may be taken to make your property less appealing. We will then customize a treatment plan based on your needs. Immediately thereafter, we will apply the treatment. Instantly, you will find that mosquitoes are quickly driven away. Your property and home will become safe for you, your family, and your pets – once and for all!
We specialize in pest control treatments for any insect or critter that walks, crawls, flies, or hops. If you have mosquitoes, you likely have other issues, too – such as spiders, moles, and more! The good news is, that most of our applications are designed to deter a large assortment of pests! Not only will you be eliminating mosquito populations, but you will also be eliminating populations of other insects that are quite troublesome – such as ants! If you would like to learn more about what we have to offer or you want to set up an appointment, contact us here at All Pest today.