Fall Pest Guide: Mice (Part 2)

Fall Pest Guide: Mice (Part 2)

We all enjoy the fall months. The season comes with a variety of changes that are highly appealing to the senses. Examples include displays of beautiful colors in the scenery, and cooler air. As mentioned in Part 1 of our series last week, “Fall Pest Guide: Spiders”,...
Fall Pest Guide: Spiders

Fall Pest Guide: Spiders

Fall is considered to be a favorite season among most. It signals the start of cool, crisp air, the transition of leaves from green hues to colorful red, orange, yellow, brown, and purple varieties, and fun-filled gatherings surrounding football season, Halloween, and...
Millipedes and Centipedes

Millipedes and Centipedes

Millipedes and centipedes, contrary to popular belief, are not insects due to the fact that they possess more than six legs. However, they are considered to be invertebrates and are closely related to insects. When living outdoors, these creatures are considered to be...
Earwigs – The Most Common Pest in Home Gardens

Earwigs – The Most Common Pest in Home Gardens

When it comes to common pests in home gardens, earwigs are ranked as the most common. According to pest control professionals, these creatures have the ability to completely devastate small vegetables, soft fruits, corn silks, and annual flowers; however, the insects...

Cockroaches Are Highly Detrimental to the Health of Humans

Throughout history, humans have made attempts to control cockroach populations due to the fact that the pests were considered to be highly offensive. These creatures are known to leave behind less-than-favorable smells, debris from their bodies, and cause numerous...
The Dangers of Bed Bugs

The Dangers of Bed Bugs

According to medical professionals, scientists, and even pest control professionals, there are many potential dangers of bed bugs. These insects are very small, flat, and extremely parasitic. They feed only on the blood of humans and animals. The insects are typically...
Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs Now Offered in Richmond Area

Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs Now Offered in Richmond Area

In recent years, bed bugs have become increasingly prevalent in the Richmond region. These types of insects are considered to be incredibly difficult to control because of the fact that they hide in locations that are not easily accessible. Furthermore, today’s...
Crane Flies – A Comprehensive Guide

Crane Flies – A Comprehensive Guide

Crane flies are a type of insect that resemble exceptionally large mosquitoes. These flies have very slender bodies and legs that look very similar to stilts. The legs are considered to be deciduous, meaning that they are easily capable of falling off of the insect...