“Bed Bugs in Institutions” is a comprehensive multi-part series that we here at All Pest Exterminating Inc. have created in order to educate the public. In the past three weeks, the installments of this series have covered basic characteristics associated with bed bugs, the feeding habits of the creatures, and the dangers that may stem from utilizing insecticides to eliminate infestations. Additionally, you have learned that heat treatments are the most effective and safe treatments, to date. In this installment, you will learn important information pertaining to bed bug bites.
The Health Effects
As you may imagine, there are several health effects that may stem from bed bug bites. In a previous installment, we outlined how anemia and asthma may develop as a result of a bed bug infestation and the bites that occur during the feeding process of the infestations. According to medical professionals, there are several other health effects that may be experienced. If an infestation develops within a healthcare institution, these health effects could be very serious. They are as follows:
- Bed bug bites are highly frustrating to those that experience them. One of the main health effects is emotional problems. Many may even experience psychological effects. Examples include feeling as if bugs are crawling on the skin, anger, and depression. The bed bug bite is very annoying.
- It is possible for people to experience an allergic reaction to bed bug bites. This is especially true among children, the elderly, and those that have a weak immune system.
- In a standard healthcare institution, there are typically many patients that have different types of diseases housed under the same roof. If a bed bug infestation is present, it could result in the potential transmission of diseases within the facility among patients, faculty, and others that are exposed to the infestation.
Determining if Bed Bugs are to Blame
In a healthcare institution, it may be rather difficult to determine if bed bugs are to blame for certain health issues that are detrimentally impacting the health of certain people. In fact, most may not even consider the fact that bed bugs could be the culprit behind many psychological and physiological symptoms that cannot, otherwise, be explained. There is one main sign that should lead you to suspect bed bugs as a culprit behind certain health effects; that is, determining if unexplained bites are developing on people in the facility at night. While these insects may bite at any time, the bites of large infestations are most common at night. In fact, most that suffer from these bites will awake to unexplained bumps, lumps, and rashes on the skin.
Heat Treatments
If your healthcare institution is found to be infested with bed bugs, it is imperative that you treat the population with the most effective and safest treatment. Currently, that is heat treatments. We here atAll Pest Exterminating Inc. offer the only heat treatment service for bed bugs in and around the Richmond, Indiana region. We also offer educational services on bed bugs and these treatments by phone. If you are ready to learn how to eliminate bed bugs in your healthcare institution, call us today at: 765-965-2171 or 888-802-5777