In North America alone, there is an excess of 16,000 different fly species. According to medical professionals and researchers, flies are capable of spreading – at the minimum – 65 different diseases. They do not bite humans, but they are one of the top vectors for spreading bacteria which could result in illness. If you have flies in your home, it is time to take action. Learn more about flies and how to keep them out of your house.

Focus on Prevention
According to pest control professionals, it is better to focus on the prevention of a fly infestation than having to come up with a treatment for an infestation. While it is true that these pests have a relatively short lifespan, it is also true that they are capable of reproducing very quickly.
Ultimately, prevention comes down to limiting the access of a fly to food and water sources.
If you place an emphasis on this goal, you will find that house flies veer away from your home.
Understand the Dangers of the House Fly
To truly appreciate the importance of why you must do all that you can to prevent flies from entering your home, you must develop an understanding of the dangers that they pose. When a fly lands on food, they vomit saliva onto it. Then, they march with their legs in that vomit. Immediately thereafter, they then suck up the liquid that is created. The bacteria emitted from the fly onto the food could transmit a variety of diseases. In turn, you could develop food poisoning, anthrax, dysentery, leprosy, and a wide variety of other serious illnesses.
In addition to the above, flies that land may engage in activities such as depositing fecal matter and/or eggs on the surface that they land on – even food products. The longer that this pest is on a surface, the higher the opportunity for bacteria, parasites, and even viruses being transferred to that surface.
By knowing just how dangerous the common house fly is, you will gain an appreciation for all methods of preventing the creatures from entering your home.
Techniques to Prevent Flies
The following techniques will help in preventing flies from coming in your house:
- Make certain that all waste – especially that involving food and food byproducts – is disposed of immediately. It should be placed in a garbage bin that has a tight shutting lid. This includes indoor trash cans and outdoor garbage bins.
- Both indoor and outdoor trash cans and garbage bins should be thoroughly cleaned often and kept clean.
- When keeping garbage bins outdoors, you should make sure that they are placed as far away from the home as possible. If this is NOT possible, at least keep the bins away from the doors and the windows of your home.
- When food is prepared, you should cover it immediately. This goes for food in pans, pots, and on plates. By doing this, flies will not have access to the food and it reduces the possibility of attracting them into the home and the creatures landing on the food.
- If a food or a water spill occurs, clean and dry the area immediately.
- You should make an effort to keep windows and doors closed at all times – especially in the evening and nighttime hours. There will be times when you may need or want to open a window. Make sure that you have fly screens installed on the windows. Additionally, if you want to keep your door open, have a screen door placed on the home so that the screen door may be closed while the main door is open.
- If you have pets, you should limit their food and water bowls from flies. Once your pet is finished, clean the dishes and put them away.
- If pets are present, you should clean up after them when they have a bowel movement – whether it is outside or an indoor liter box. Flies are known to breed in feces. By limiting their ability to engage in the breeding process, you are preventing flies from entering into your home.
- Keep all areas in your home clean and free from bacteria. The main areas of focus should be the kitchen and the bathroom. Once you clean all of the surfaces, be certain to dry them as the remaining moisture could attract flies.
- Be certain that all food within your home is stored in an airtight container. Avoid leaving produce out for prolonged periods of time. If you do leave produce out, place it in a container that has a lid.
Natural Remedies for Fly Infestations
If you develop a fly infestation, you will be pleased to know that there are many natural remedies available that may aid in eliminating the issue:
- If you enjoy gardening, you will be pleased to know that by engaging in herb container gardening, you may be able to repel flies. The herbs that are productive for repelling flies include mint, basil, lavender, bay leaf, and rosemary. Additionally, you may integrate a Venus Fly-Trap plant into the home.
- There are essential oils that may aid in eliminating fly infestations in the home. One of the most effective is lemongrass oil. You may spray or diffuse the oil in the areas of the home impacted. You may also put eucalyptus oil onto cloths and hang the clothes near the doors and/or windows throughout your home.
- You may create a fly trap using a bowl or jar that contains either apple cider vinegar or wine, covering with Glad Wrap and a few holes punched in. Once the flies go in, they will not be able to get out and will die off.
- You may burn citronella candles in the area where flies frequent. This is best and safest outdoors.
- Fly traps may be placed in various locations around the home to capture flies. You may create a mixture of sugar water to attract the flies to the trap. It must be said, though, that once flies die on the trap, they may act as an attractant for other flies.
- If there is a particular area of the home where flies frequent, you should install yellow bulbs. These are known to repel the creatures.
- While we are on the topic of light bulbs, we should mention that flies love blue lights. This could work two ways for you. First, you could avoid using blue lights to avoid attracting flies. Or, you could use blue lights to attract flies to an area AWAY from your home.
- Many have found that placing orange peels on a plate will repel the common house fly.
- Avoiding using alcohol to clean surfaces throughout the home. This is a substance that actually attracts flies.
- If you still have an issue with house flies, you may get a bag, fill it halfway with water, and then hang in the areas where you have noticed the flies. It is believed that the reflections that are produced with the water will interfere with flies and disorient them and they will leave to seek relief from the experience.

Professional Pest Control
If you have a fly infestation within or around your home, the best and most effective treatment is provided by professional pest control specialists. Why bother with remedies that take time and effort when you can get an immediate solution? We here at All Pest Exterminating can quickly resolve any issue that you have with any type of fly. Simply contact us today and allow us to provide you with immediate assistance: 765-259-0043