If your pet suffers from a spider bite, it is imperative that you know how to recognize and treat this kind of bite. The treatment that should be given to your pet for a spider bite depends on the type of spider that produced the bite – be it venomous or non-venomous – and it also depends on the type of pet that you have and the size of that pet.

In this comprehensive guide, we will help you learn how to recognize a spider bite on your pet and will provide instructions on how to treat the bite. Continue reading to learn more.

Dog bit by spider?

Which Types of Spiders Have Bites That May Prove to be a Problem?

Worldwide, there are over 48,000 different types of spiders. Most of these arachnids are – in fact – venomous. The good news is that most venomous spiders are unable to inject the venom into animals that many people have for pets because of the fact that their mouthparts are simply too small and are unable to successfully penetrate the skin. The spiders that are able to create medically significant bites include the black widow and the brown recluse.

The black widow spiders are typically located in areas throughout the world in areas that are temperate and are tropical. The female widows are much larger than the male widow spiders. These spiders are black or gray and have either a red or an orange hourglass type mark on their abdomen, which is round.

The recluse spiders are found all over the world and they prefer places that are dark and warm. In the United States alone, there are six different recluse species. The females are more venomous than the males. These types of spiders are colored yellow all the way up to brown and have a back with a mark on it that looks like a violin.

What Does a Spider Bite on a Dog Look Like?

If a dog is bite by a spider, the bite is typically harmless; that is, unless your dog is allergic to the spider. If the dog has a spider bite, its skin will become irritated, itchy, and it may turn red and start to swell up. If your dog I bit by a black widow or a brown recluse, you should seek veterinary care immediately. In the case of bites from non-venomous spiders, the bite will look similar to a mosquito bite. The dog may have a little discomfort. In the case of a venomous bite, the skin will be painful, inflammation will occur and the skin will turn red.

If your dog is bit by a black widow spider, your dog will likely drool, have muscle pain, cramping, and may even start to vomit. You will need to take your dog directly to an emergency vet for treatment. You may also notice that the bite of a spider leaves a bull’s eye looking mark on the dog and the center turns into a white blister. Many dogs may bleed, have seizures, and even go into respiratory collapse. If any of these symptoms happen, be sure to take the pet to an emergency vet.

Dog at Vet

Vet Treatment

When you take your dog to the vet for the treatment required after a spider bite, there are many treatments that may be performed. These include cleaning the bite and applying a cold compression, the use of pain relievers, muscle relaxers, and even IV fluids. Many dogs may require surgery. In rare cases, an antivenom may be provided to the dog after a spider bite.

How Can I Tell if My Cat Has a Spider Bite?

There are many signs that your cat may exhibit if they have been bit by a spider. They may develop a fever and the area of the skin that is impacted by the bite may start to swell up. The cat may not have any appetite, they may start to show changes in their behavior and the way that they normally act. Your cat may become very lethargic. If the spider that bit your cat was venomous, the cat may develop other symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, muscle pain, paralysis, diarrhea, and tremors.

To treat the cat, you may clean the area with a mild antiseptic medication or you may use saline that is sterile. If there is a lot of swelling, you may use a cold compress to help reduce that swelling. To prevent scratching and further complications, you should place a soft Elizabethan collar on your cat. If you feel that the cat would benefit from more care, you may take them to the vet. The vet may perform wound care, provide fluids through an IV, give pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-venom if they feel it is necessary. It could take up to eight weeks for the cat to heal.

What are the Most Common Symptoms and Signs of a Spider Bite on a Pet?

There are several different symptoms and signs of a spider bite on a pet. The following outlines the most common:

  1. Inflammation and Discoloration of the Skin
  2. Pain in and/or Around the Bite
  3. The Development of Blisters
  4. The Bite Becoming Dark in the Center
  5. Chills, Nausea, Fever, Rash, Body Aches, and the Urine Becoming Dark

Is it a Spider Bite or an Infection?

If you see an abnormality on your pet, it may be hard to determine if it is a bite or if it is an infection from a scratch or other type of injury. Both bites and infections may begin with inflammation, discoloration to the skin, and pain. If the sore is an infection, it will likely be warm to the touch, result in the development of a fever, and be full of pus that is either white or yellow. If your pet has an infection, you should seek the assistance of a vet right away. Many infections – if left untreated – could result in death.

What is Commonly Mistaken for a Spider Bite?

Many different types of sores are often mistaken for a spider bite, but have turned out to be bites from other types of insects, and biting flies. In addition to this, infections of the skin, conditions of the skin, and even burns are often mistaken for spider bites. If you are unsure if your pet has a spider bite or another type of condition or bite, you should have the pet evaluated by a vet.

Is There an Ointment That Helps Heal Spider Bites on Pets?

Yes, there are two ointments that will help in healing a spider bite on a pet. The first is an antihistamine ointment and the second is a hydrocortisone cream. A vet may even recommend an ointment that contains triple types of antibiotics.

What Does a House Spider Bite Look Like on a Pet?

A house spider bite looks much like a regular spider bite. It will be small, red, swollen up, and you will likely find that your pet itches it and/or seems to be in pain.

Is Neosporin Good to Put on a Pet’s Spider Bite?

Yes, you may put Neosporin on your pet’s spider bite. First, wash it with warm water and a little mild soap. Then, put the Neosporin on to aid in the prevention of an infection. If there is a lot of swelling, you may put either ice or a cold compress on the skin.

Should you Try to Squeeze the Pus Out of a Spider Bite on Your Pet?

If you attempt to squeeze out pus from a spider bite on your pet, you could cause more problems. If it opens up below the skin, the pus may be able to spread even more into the body, which could result in more severe complications, such as the onset of a serious infection and/or sepsis.

Can My Pet Get Sepsis from a Spider Bite?

Yes, it is possible for your pet to get sepsis from a spider bite. These bites are capable of causing cellulitis and a skin infection. Both of these issues could lead to the development of sepsis. If a pet gets sepsis, they will typically have to be admitted to the vet hospital. This can prove to be extremely costly and could detrimentally impact the overall health of your cat or dog.

Contact Us Today

The best way to prevent your pet from getting a spider bite is to contact us here at All Pest today. If you do not have spiders in or around your home, we can complete a preventative treatment to help stop the spiders from getting in or around the home. If you have spiders, it is urgent that you contact us immediately so that you may quickly eliminate the spiders. In addition to spiders, we can rid your home of insects, rodents, and more! For more information or to set up an appointment today, contact our pest control specialists by dialing the following number: 765-259-0043