The brown recluse is a common spider throughout Indiana. Even though the southern counties have a higher rate than that of the northern counties, the brown recluse is considered to be one of the most encountered spiders throughout the state.
The Brown Recluse spider has a notorious reputation in the arachnid world. This stems from the necrotic-based venom contained in its bite. This has the capability of causing ulceration of the skin and even scarring.
What Does the Brown Recluse in Indiana Look Like?
While identifying a brown recluse, look at its back. Does it have a violin pattern there? If so, it is a brown recluse.
The spider has 6 eyes that are arranged in three different pairs. The adult spider is about the size of a quarter. This includes the legs.
The actual body section is typically smaller than a dime. There are fine hairs on the body, but it is difficult to see these with the naked eye. You may find that other markings are on the spider. These include stripes, spots, diamonds, and chevrons. The spiders are either tan or a dark-colored brown.
Is the Brown Recluse Spider Dangerous?
Throughout the entire State of Indiana, there are about 400 spider species. Only two of these are considered to be potentially dangerous to people – the black widow and the brown recluse. Both of these are highly venomous, but neither is considered to be aggressive. It is rare to receive a bite from either, but it is possible and does occur. Brown recluse spiders prefer areas like sheds, barns, and areas that are dry.
If a brown recluse bites you, the reaction you experience will be based on the amount of venom that was injected into your body. Your level of sensitivity, your age, and your general health also have an impact on how you will make out if you receive a bite from a brown recluse. You may experience pain, have issues breathing, become dizzy, and have nausea. Fatalities are considered to be extremely rare, but are not at all impossible.
Can a Brown Recluse Bite Kill You?
Individuals that are bit by a brown recluse rarely die; however, if you fail to get medical attention, you will likely become severely ill. The venom ejected into the skin will result in tissue death. As the tissue death increases in severity, bacteria may invade the bite and cause a severe infection. If this occurs, the wound may become quite large. Naturally, if you have a large, infected wound on your body, this could result in the development of sepsis. Sepsis is known to cause death if it is not treated in a timely manner.
Where Do Brown Recluse Spiders Like to Live?
The brown recluse spider is one that is considered to be solitary. It likes to live its life in secret. Any area that is naturally dark and is not commonly disturbed is a great habitat for the brown recluse. In the wild, they most often live in areas like logs and underneath rocks and other types of natural debris.
The spiders do appreciate environments that have been created or altered by people. Examples include cellars, basements, attics, closets, boxes, shoes, clothing, in furniture, and other areas that are warm and secluded.
Are Brown Recluse Spiders Attracted to Humans?
No, brown recluse spiders are not attracted to humans. In fact, they go out of their way to avoid people. These arachnids like deep, dark, and highly secluded areas – as far away from people as possible. It is a nocturnal creature, so you are more likely to stumble across brown recluse spiders in the evening and nighttime hours.
How Do Brown Recluse Spiders Get Around?
Brown recluse spiders are fully capable of covering long distances all by themselves, but generally do not attempt it. They are capable of moving from one area to another by hitchhiking on items that are located in a structure that has an infestation to another locations.
Are Brown Recluse Spiders Well-Adapted?
Yes, brown recluse spiders are very well adapted. They live very long lives and are capable of going for prolonged periods of time and not eating. They can successfully live in areas that are both hot and dry.
Females only mate once in order to produce eggs over and over in her lifetime. Each year, up to about 150 spiderlings may be produced. If just one female moves into a structure, it is capable of resulting in an entire infestation. Once the infestation occurs, it is very challenging to eliminate the brown recluse spiders.
Is There a Treatment for a Brown Recluse Bite?
Currently, there is no commercial or prescription-based antivenin for a brown recluse bite. You may contact poison control or seek medical attention at an emergency room if you are subjected to a bite. Immediately after you receive the bite, you should wash it thoroughly with soap and water. You may then place an ice pack on the bite for about 10 minutes. After the time has passed, rewash the infected area. If possible, take the spider with you to the emergency room. This is important for identification purposes.
How to Get Rid of a Brown Recluse Infestation
The secret to getting rid of an infestation of brown recluse spiders is to prevent the infestation from occurring to begin with. Inspect your home to ensure that there are no access points for the arachnids from the outside, in. You should pay special attention to areas where pipes enter into the home. Seal these with caulk composed of silicone so that the spiders are unable to get in through the areas.
If you use firewood, you should be sure to stack it approximately 20 feet from your residence. It should be raised about 5 inches up off of the ground. This ensures that there is an obstacle in place so that the spiders are not tempted to hide within the pieces. When it is time to move the wood or to bring some indoors for heating purposes, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands and inspect each piece. Also, it is a good idea to keep your lawn well-manicured and to avoid allowing piles of natural debris to accumulate in your yard.
If you store your shoes and clothing in dark areas such as closets, garages, and basements, inspect the items before putting them on. You should shake clothing out before putting the apparel on your body. If you have to store items, do not use boxes. Instead, use plastic or vinyl bags or storage containers that are capable of being closed tightly. Also, you should inspect stored towels and bedding pieces before use to ensure that no arachnids are present.
Pest Control
Your next and most productive means for preventing infestations or getting rid of current infestations is to have professional pest control done at your home. We here at All Pest offer both indoor and outdoor professional pest control services. These are sure to help you prevent brown recluse spiders from being attracted to your home. We have been serving our community since the year of 1995. Today, we offer a wide range of services and specials that you are sure to find beneficial. If you would like to learn more, call us today at: 765-259-0043