In the world of entomology, there are dangerous and non-dangerous household pests. But there are thousands of them that to know whether they are harmful household pests or not will be quite difficult hence the need of professional pest exterminators. This article...
Have you spotted a tiny fish-looking insect that’s silver in color and has several legs, that’s suddenly jumped out of your closet or bookshelves? That’s a silverfish bug! Nowhere near a fish, but it’s called Silverfish because it looks like...
Spiders are probably one of the scariest insects on the planet. With their eight legs, you are sure to have a difficult time getting rid of them. However, the difficult part is mostly driven by fear (if you have arachnophobia, then you’d better run! just...
Does Spring Cleaning Help Get Rid Of Household Bugs? I think everyone’s excited for Spring to come. However, Mother Nature’s not in the mood for Spring yet, or has global warming gone wild? Whatever the reason is, Spring doesn’t come until all the...
Though winter seems far from over in several states, some parts of the United States are already starting to feel the Spring breeze. And while many would like to enjoy this weather transition, our little nasty “pest friends” would also like to join the...
Most homeowners think they can solve every problem in the household including a pest infestation. Little do they know that inadequate knowledge and expertise will only makes matters worse. Pest inspection is not easy. It requires focus, attention to historical and...
Chiggers are the larva form of a certain family of termites, Trombiculidae. They’re rarely seen by the naked eye, but leave visible red spots on their victim’s skin. Chiggers are classified as arachnids like spiders and ticks, however, they usually thrive...
It is common knowledge that during the warm season, especially summer, those itsy bitsy bugs are in full force. They almost double or triple in number when exposed to hot temperatures. That’s why, no matter how we adore summer vacations, let us not forget about...