Improper Use of Over-The-Counter Pesticides Could Result in the Development of Chemical Pneumonia According to numerous studies, if over-the-counter pesticides are used improperly, the individual utilizing those substances could develop chemical pneumonia. While...
Soothe the Symptoms of Chemical Conjunctivitis Caused by Over-The-Counter Pesticides Chemical conjunctivitis (also known as “pinkeye”) is caused by an unnatural response to an exposure to fumes, irritating liquid products, and powders. While many items may cause this...
As a gardener, you are well aware of the fact that many pests abound. It is not at all uncommon to discover these pesky little creatures chewing on the plants that you work so hard to cultivate. Even the absolute healthiest of all gardens experience an occasional...
There are several web-building spiders that may be found in and/or around a home. These types of spiders specialize in the construction of silken-based webs that aid in the capturing of prey. Many web-building spiders construct webs that are designed to capture...
Fall is considered to be a favorite season among most. It signals the start of cool, crisp air, the transition of leaves from green hues to colorful red, orange, yellow, brown, and purple varieties, and fun-filled gatherings surrounding football season, Halloween, and...
House flies are one of the most annoying pests – there is no doubt about that. One of the main reasons for this is that this fly is considered to be the most common among all of the domestic flies that are currently in existence. In fact, the house fly is said to...
Fruit flies are pesky creatures that have the unique ability to quickly multiply. While it has been said, throughout history, that these insects have the ability to multiply through the act of spontaneous generation, this is not the case. These insects are simply...
In the final section of our Outdoor Insects Month Guide, you will receive detailed information and facts that pertain directly to hornets. These insects are types of wasps that are related to and highly resemble yellow jackets. In total, there are approximately 20...